The following is a listing of Health Providers that will be at the LA Tofu Festival. If you are interested in participating in the LA Tofu Festival as a Health Provider, please contact .
Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches (A3M)
(213) 473-1661: 231 E. Third St. #G-104, Los Angeles, 90013
*Bone marrow donor blood testing registration.
Adventist Health Network (818) 281-1259: 2735 Montezuma Ave., Alhambra, 91803
*Blood pressure and body composition (fat ratio) testing.
American Cancer Society (Central LA) (213) 386-6102: 3255 Wilshire Blvd. #701, Los Angeles, 90010-1411
Cancer prevention educational materials on breast, prostate, tobacco, nutrition.
Breast self examination demonstration.
Asian Pacific Health Care Venture (APHCV)
(323) 644-3880 x24 or x43: 1530 Hillhurst Ave. #200, Los Angeles, 90027
*HIV testing and information on Healthy Families.
California Hospital Medical Center (213) 742-5571: 1401 S. Grand, Los Angeles, 90015
*(Sat) Children's immunizations including: Polio, DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, pertussis), Haemophilus Influenza type B, MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella), and Hepatitis. Must have immunization cards.
(Sun) Information
Cancer Detection Center (213)481-2511: 1136 W. 6th St., Los Angeles, 90017
*Screenings for head, neck, and skin cancer.
Information on low-cost cancer screenings.
Dr. Kevin Joe (Osaki) (714) 447-3361: 1370 Brea Blvd. #124-K, Fullerton, 92835
*Spinal and posture check.
Health Net (626) 683-6388: 333 S Arroyo Pkwy., Pasadena, 91105
LA Alzheimer's Association (213) 938-3379 x12: 5900 Wilshire Blvd. #1710, Los Angeles, 90036
Information about Alzheimer's disease.
Los Angeles County Breast Cancer Early Detection Program, (213) 549-0800: 4929 Wilshire Blvd. Ste. #810, Los Angeles, 90010
Information about the Breast Cancer Early Detection Program and breast health.
(*) The following participants will be conducting screenings and/or various types of tests.