Title Sponsor |
House Foods America Corporation
(Hinoichi Tofu) |
http://www.house-foods.com/ |
Platinum Sponsors |
AT&T |
http://www.att.com/ |
KFWB News 980 AM |
KSCI TV-Channel 18 |
http://www.asianmediaguide.com/asian/tv/ksci.html |
Rafu Shimpo |
http://www.rafu.com |
Gold Sponsors |
American Airlines - Official Festival Airline |
http://www.aa.com |
Sparkletts - Official Water Sponsor |
http://www.sparkletts.com/ |
Festival Patrons |
Asian Avenue.com |
http://www.asianavenue.com |
http://www.calfed.com/ |
Farmers Insurance, Inc. |
http://www.farmers.com/ |
Los Angeles Times |
http://www.latimes.com |
The Gas Company |
http://www.socalgas.com/ |
Festival Supporters |
Manufacturers Bank |
PacificCare/SecureHorizons |
http://www.pacificare.com/ |
Festival Friends |
California Bank & Trust |
http://www.calbanktrust.com/ |
Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank of California |
http://www.dkbca.com/ |
Fukui Mortuary |
Mutual Trading |
The New Otani Hotel |
http://www.newotani.com/ |
Special Thanks to |
Andy Nakano of Jozu Restaurant |
the Jasper Cosplay Closet "Where Costumes Become Anime-ted"
http://www.y2cosplay.com |
Dolphin Rents, Inc. |
L&R Auto Parks, Inc. |
Kenwood U.S.A. Corporation |
Jane Velez-Mitchell (Tofu Fest MC)
http://www.vegtv.com |
Joy of Soy Website |
http://www.joyofsoy.com/ |
U.S. Soyfoods Directory |
http://soyfoods.com/ |
Veggies Unite! |
http://www.vegweb.com |
Soy Coffee Rosters |
http://www.soycoffee.com |